Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Application for ASEANpreneurs Idea Canvas

Identify a social problem in any of the ASEAN countries

Professional singers

Many of the problems faced by ASEAN some countries this time. Problem is related to the social life of the population of each country. In Indonesia, many of these problems occur. An example, problems of singers who often get into the bus for a living. The term "street musician" is a term familiar to our ears, even very frequently encountered in large cities, namely Jakarta, Semarang, Bandung and Medan. Usually, where they are singing stops, intersections, bus and even on-site dining at hawker centers in downtown. Singers, or often called bards (Street Singer), is basically not a bad profession. Their goal is to help the family economic situation and reduce unemployment without committing a crime or by simply begging. This is one of the musicians, especially singers in Indonesia, is because they sometimes have a stronghold and their respective territories. Therefore, when one faction to enter the territory of other camps, there will be disputes. In addition, sometimes the singers on the buses often stop the bus at the wrong place, causing congestion. This is what makes the perception of lousy singers. Then the main problem is sometimes the singers are singing with a mediocre voice, mediocre musical ability, coupled with a brutal appearance. As a result, after they boarded the bus and then steady the instrument while singing, often times there is no positive response from listeners. Instead of making his audience entertained, these singers actually make the listener interrupted. Singers that was obviously incur losses because they were singing just a waste of time and tired not paid.

Provide a sustainable entrepreneurial solution to the above problem

To resolve the above issues, we have a solution that is by providing educational assistance musical or other arts to the musician-singers so that the ability of the singers better. In other words, we want to form a musician-singer became a professional musician. Singers who not only sang to meet their goals, but also give priority to their performance in front of the audience. Singers are at least 'knowledgeable' in doing his job. Singers who became the real entertainment, which may even be anticipated by bus passengers, connoisseur of snacks in the middle of town, or people who were tired in a traffic jam.

Illustrate the feasibility of the financing, implementation and the marketing aspect

Obviously, we needed not only in this plan. We also need government assistance for the success of this plan. With so many high school and university in one city, that in fact any high school or university must have extracurricular arts, of course, we can easily provide education to these singers. At first, we can do the crawl towards singers-singers in the usual places them singing as we mentioned above. Then, we can choose any institution, An example, schools that have extracurricular choir, orchestra, art area, or the like to build their awareness of the importance of performing in public, as well as musical education member.

Furthermore, this is where the role of government is needed. To counterbalance this, we need the government to raise public transport fares, such as buses or minibuses usual place of singers-singers are doing their job. Let's say the government raised transport fares between cities that was Rp. 50.000, - to be Rp.52.000, -. we sure, you would think twice or even more if you want to give a group of singers for Rp.2000, -, but we sure you do not have to think twice about adding Rp.2000, - for your fare out of town. If viewed from the opposite side, from the standpoint of these singers, Rp.2000, - of every passenger has an extraordinary thing.

The impact of your solution on the problem

If it goes well, this method can be a win-win situation for governments, singers, and listeners. For singers, it is clear they will gain more skills and they will not be entertained in vain. At least their efforts certainly paid off. Plus, people's views about the singers will change. For the audience, of course, if the bus musician been professional, this will be for their own entertainment. Imagine when you're tired on the way, you entertained them for free (even though you pay them at the beginning) with the strains of music that restores your good mood. Furthermore, although there will still singers in this country, but it will all be much better organized.

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